10/28/2024, 10:46 AM UTC
IBM新芯片,吊打GPUIBM's New Chip Outperforms GPUs
<p>➀ IBM的研究人员受到人类大脑的启发,开发神经形态计算,旨在模仿大脑在处理像AI这样的任务所需的大量数据处理效率。</p><p>➁ 神经形态计算的概念涉及设计一个反映人类大脑效率的计算系统,人脑消耗的电量非常少,即使在处理模糊或不明确的数据时也能有效地解决问题。</p><p>➂ IBM的NorthPole芯片是神经形态架构的例子,它将内存和计算集成在同一芯片上,以克服冯·诺依曼瓶颈并减少能耗。</p><p>➃ IBM的研究团队正在研究材料和算法,以提高神经形态芯片的性能和效率,目标是创造更强大、更节能的AI加速器。</p><p>➀ IBM's researchers are inspired by the human brain to develop neuromorphic computing, aiming to mimic the brain's efficiency in processing vast amounts of data required for tasks like AI.</p><p>➁ The concept of neuromorphic computing involves designing a computing system that reflects the efficiency of the human brain, which consumes very little power and solves tasks effectively even with ambiguous or undefined data.</p><p>➂ IBM's NorthPole chip, an example of neuromorphic architecture, integrates memory and computation on the same chip to overcome the von Neumann bottleneck and reduce energy consumption.</p><p>➃ IBM's research teams are working on materials and algorithms to improve the performance and efficiency of neuromorphic chips, with the goal of creating more powerful and energy-efficient AI accelerators.</p>