11/03/2024, 07:32 PM UTC
违规供货价值1700万美元晶圆,格芯被美国罚款!GlobalFoundries Fined $500,000 by US Government for Violating Semiconductor Export Regulations
<p>➀ 美国政府对格芯处以50万美元罚款,因其违反出口规定,向被美国商务部管理的实体名单上的SJ半导体运送了价值超过1700万美元的晶圆。</p><p>➁ SJ半导体曾是中芯国际的控股子公司,持股55.87%,于2020年被列入实体清单。但2021年4月,SMIC将其股权转让给其他投资者,交易额约为3.97亿美元。</p><p>➂ 2021年2月至2022年10月期间,格芯向SJ半导体发送了74批晶圆,总价值超过1700万美元,但在此期间与中芯国际已无任何关系。</p><p>➀ The US government has imposed a $500,000 fine on GlobalFoundries for violating export regulations by shipping over $17 million worth of wafers to SJ Semiconductor, which was on the entity list managed by the US Department of Commerce.</p><p>➁ SJ Semiconductor, a former majority-owned subsidiary of SMIC, was added to the entity list in 2020 but its shares were sold to other investors in 2021.</p><p>➂ GlobalFoundries sent 74 batches of wafers to SJ Semiconductor between February 2021 and October 2022, totaling over $17 million, despite the lack of any relationship with SMIC during that period.</p>