11/21/2024, 09:55 AM UTC
ST宣布:40nm MCU交由华虹代工!传教士的故事结束了!ST Announces: 40nm MCU Manufacturing to be Outsourced to Hua Hong! The Missionary Story is Over!
<p>➀ 意法半导体宣布与中国的第二大晶圆代工厂华虹集团合作,在中国生产40nm微控制器(MCU),以支持其长期营收目标。</p><p>➁ 意法半导体预计将通过实施制造重组和成本基础调整计划,到2027-2028年实现约180亿美元的营收,营业利润率在22%至24%之间。</p><p>➂ 公司首席执行官Jean-Marc Chery强调在中国本地制造的重要性,指出成本效益、兼容性问题以及政府限制的风险。他还提到中国快速发展的电动汽车周期是其他任何生产地点无法错过的机会。</p><p>➀ STMicroelectronics, a European semiconductor giant, announces a collaboration with China's second-largest wafer foundry, Hua Hong Group, to manufacture 40nm microcontrollers (MCUs) in China to support its long-term revenue goals.</p><p>➁ STMicroelectronics expects to save millions of dollars by implementing manufacturing restructuring and cost basis adjustment plans, aiming for revenue of about $18 billion and an operating profit margin of 22% to 24% between 2027-2028.</p><p>➂ The company's CEO, Jean-Marc Chery, emphasizes the importance of local manufacturing in China, highlighting cost benefits, compatibility issues, and the risk of government restrictions. He also mentions the rapid development cycle of electric vehicles in China as a missed opportunity for any other production location.</p>