11/02/2024, 10:10 AM UTC
三星开始向某大客户供货HBM3E!美光股价大跌Samsung Starts Supplying HBM3E to Major Customer, Micron Stock Plummets
<p>➀ 三星电子已经通过了关键验证程序,开始向一家大客户供应其最先进的高带宽内存HBM3E。</p><p>➁ 这家客户据信是英伟达,一家领先的AI芯片制造商。</p><p>➂ SK海力士目前占据超过50%的HBM市场份额,是英伟达和AMD等AI芯片大厂HBM3和HBM3E的主要供应商。</p><p>➃ 美光自2月份开始量产专为AI和超级计算机设计的HBM3E,并计划到2025年抢占20-25%的HBM市场份额。</p><p>➄ 随着这一消息的传出,美光股价在10月31日大跌了4.26%,收于99.65美元/股,创9月25日以来的收盘价新低。</p><p>➀ Samsung Electronics has begun supplying its most advanced high-bandwidth memory HBM3E to a major customer after passing key validation procedures.</p><p>➁ The customer is believed to be NVIDIA, a leading AI chip manufacturer.</p><p>➂ SK Hynix currently holds over 50% of the HBM market share and is the main supplier of HBM3 and HBM3E to NVIDIA and AMD.</p><p>➃ Micron started mass production of HBM3E in February and plans to capture 20-25% of the HBM market share by 2025.</p><p>➄ Micron's stock plummeted by 4.26% on October 31st following the news.</p>