08/26/2024, 07:39 AM UTC
晶合集成与思特威发布业内首颗1.8亿像素全画幅CIS,打破索尼垄断Jinghe Integrated and Smartsens Unveil Industry's First 180MP Full-Frame CIS, Breaking Sony's Monopoly
➀ 晶合集成与思特威联合开发了业内首颗1.8亿像素全画幅CIS,打破了索尼在超高像素全画幅CIS市场的长期垄断。➁ 这一突破标志着光刻拼接技术在大靶面传感器领域的成功应用,并为未来更大传感器的开发奠定了基础。➂ 晶合集成与思特威的合作是国产厂商在高端相机技术领域迈出的重要一步。➀ Jinghe Integrated Circuit and Smartsens have jointly developed the industry's first 180-megapixel full-frame CIS, breaking Sony's long-standing monopoly in the ultra-high-pixel full-frame CIS market. ➁ This breakthrough marks the successful application of photomask stitching technology in large-format sensor fields and sets the stage for future development of larger sensors. ➂ The collaboration between Jinghe Integrated and Smartsens represents a significant step forward for domestic manufacturers in the high-end camera technology sector.