12/03/2024, 01:52 PM UTC
Microchip将关闭一工厂!Microchip to Close Down a Factory!
<p>➀ Microchip Technology计划关闭亚利桑那州坦佩的一家工厂,影响约500名员工;</p><p>➁ 关闭工厂的原因是库存水平高,公司有能力在其他工厂扩大产能;</p><p>➂ 公司的首席执行官已退休,董事会主席接任临时首席执行官和总裁。</p><p>➀ Microchip Technology is planning to close a factory in Tempe, Arizona, impacting approximately 500 employees;</p><p>➁ The closure is due to high inventory levels and the company's ability to expand capacity in other factories;</p><p>➂ The company's CEO has retired, with the board chair stepping in as interim CEO and President.</p>