02/05/2025, 10:05 AM UTC
Rapidus宣布4月1日试产2nm!Rapidus Announces Trial Production of 2nm Chips on April 1st!
➀ 日本晶圆代工初创企业Rapidus正在北海道建设2nm晶圆厂,目标2025年4月试产,2027年开始量产;
➁ Rapidus首席执行官小池淳义表示,工厂建设进展顺利,将于4月1日开始试产;
➂ Rapidus预计在2027年至2036年期间累计产值将达到18万亿日元;
➃ 在2纳米芯片的量产上,台积电处于领先地位,但Rapidus在制程速度、良率和性能上具有优势,有望赶上台积电;
➄ Rapidus成立于2022年8月,由丰田、Sony、NTT、NEC、软银、Denso、铠侠、三菱UFJ等8家日企共同出资设立,目标2027年量产2nm制程;
➅ Rapidus计划使用机器人和人工智能在日本北部打造全自动的2nm制程生产线,交货芯片时间比竞争对手快1/3;
➆ Rapidus成为日本首家获得EUV光刻机的公司,首批EUV光刻设备已于2024年12月14日运抵日本新千岁机场;
➇ 相比其他晶圆厂,Rapidus的全自动化工厂具有竞争优势,后端制造流程如互连、封装和测试更加高效 ;
➈ 小池淳义表示,这将在相同的2nm产品上提供比其他公司更高的性能和更快的交货时间。
➀ Rapidus, a Japanese wafer foundry startup, is building a 2nm wafer factory in Hokkaido with a target to start trial production in April 2025 and mass production in 2027;
➁ Rapidus CEO Koike Atsuyoshi stated that the factory construction is proceeding smoothly and trial production will begin on April 1st;
➂ Rapidus aims to achieve an estimated cumulative revenue of 18 trillion yen from mass production between 2027 and 2036;>
➃ TSMC is leading in the mass production of 2nm chips, but Rapidus has advantages in process speed, yield, and performance, and aims to catch up with TSMC;
➄ Rapidus, founded in August 2022, is a joint venture of eight Japanese companies, including Toyota, Sony, NTT, NEC, SoftBank, Denso, and Mitsubishi UFJ, with a target to mass produce 2nm processes by 2027;
➅ Rapidus plans to use robots and AI to create an automated 2nm production line in northern Japan, aiming to reduce delivery times by a factor of three compared to competitors;
➆ Rapidus has become the first company in Japan to receive EUV lithography machines, with the first batch of EUV lithography equipment arriving in Japan on December 14, 2024;
➇ Rapidus' fully automated factory gives it a competitive edge, as the back-end processes of chip manufacturing, such as interconnection, packaging, and testing, are labor-intensive;
➈ CEO Atsuyoshi Koike states that this will provide higher performance and faster delivery times for the same 2nm products compared to other companies.