12/05/2024, 02:34 AM UTC
光芯片,太强了Optical Chip Breaks New Ground in Machine Learning Speed and Efficiency
➀ 当今最苛刻的机器学习应用所采用的深度神经网络模型已经变得如此庞大和复杂,突破了传统电子计算硬件的极限。
➁ 麻省理工学院等机构的科学家开发出了一种新型光子芯片,可以克服这些障碍。
➂ 该光学设备能够在不到半纳秒的时间内完成机器学习分类任务的关键计算,同时实现超过 92% 的准确率。
➀ The current state-of-the-art machine learning applications use deep neural network models that have become so large and complex that they have exceeded the limits of traditional electronic computing hardware.
➁ Researchers at MIT and other institutions have developed a new type of photonic chip that can overcome these barriers.
➂ The optical device can complete the key calculations of machine learning classification tasks in less than half a nanosecond while achieving an accuracy rate of over 92%.