11/25/2024, 12:22 PM UTC
AI需求爆发及禁令影响下,晶圆代工市场的未来走向The Future Outlook of Wafer Foundry Market under AI Demand Explosion and Ban Impact
<p>➀ 集邦咨询预测,2025年台积电将占据全球晶圆代工市场66%的营收。</p><p>➁ 2025年晶圆代工市场预计增长20.3%,其中台积电贡献显著。</p><p>➂ 影响2025年晶圆代工市场的主要因素包括宏观经济不确定性以及出口管制政策升级。</p><p>➃ 由于主要国家和地区推动芯片制造的本地化,晶圆代工需求预计将增长。</p><p>➄ 预计2025年晶圆代工厂的产能利用率将继续上升。</p><p>➅ 2025年,台积电将在全球十大晶圆代工厂的资本支出中占据领先地位。</p><p>➆ 2027年,中国的12英寸晶圆产能预计将占全球总量的34%。</p><p>➇ 2027年,台湾的先进制程产能占比将降至54%,而美国的占比将上升至21%。</p><p>➈ 制程技术路线图显示,英特尔正在缩小差距,而三星正在落后。</p><p>➉ 台积电仍占据全球69%的先进制程产能。</p><p>➊ 人工智能为晶圆代工行业带来了新的机遇。</p><p>➀ TrendForce predicts that TSMC will capture 66% of the global wafer foundry market revenue in 2025.</p><p>➁ The growth rate of the wafer foundry market is expected to increase by 20.3% in 2025, with TSMC contributing significantly.</p><p>➂ Key factors affecting the 2025 wafer foundry market include macroeconomic uncertainty and export control policy upgrades.</p><p>➃ The demand for wafer foundry is expected to grow due to chip manufacturing localization in major countries and regions.</p><p>➄ The capacity utilization rate of wafer foundry factories is expected to continue to rise in 2025.</p><p>➅ TSMC will lead in capital expenditure among the top ten wafer foundry companies globally in 2025.</p><p>➆ China's 12-inch wafer capacity is expected to account for 34% of the global total by 2027.</p><p>➇ Taiwan's advanced process capacity will decrease to 54% by 2027, while the US will increase to 21%.</p><p>➈ The process technology roadmap shows that Intel is closing the gap, while Samsung is falling behind.</p><p>➉ TSMC still occupies 69% of the global advanced process capacity.</p><p>➊ AI brings new opportunities to the wafer foundry industry.</p>