09/19/2024, 12:08 PM UTC
年报季中的国产半导体出海2024Chinese Semiconductor Companies' Overseas Expansion in 2024
➀ 基于二十一家上市半导体公司2023年年报,分析了中国半导体公司的海外扩张;➁ 从依赖国内市场到国际化,确定了五个海外扩张阶段;➂ 讨论了翱捷科技和扬杰科技等领先公司在海外市场的策略和成果;➃ 根据定量和定性指标评估了各公司的表现。➀ Analyzes the overseas expansion of Chinese semiconductor companies based on the 2023 annual reports of 21 listed companies; ➁ Identifies five stages of overseas expansion from dependence on the domestic market to internationalization; ➂ Discusses the strategies and achievements of leading companies like Atheros Technology and Yangjie Technology in the overseas market; ➃ Assesses the performance of various companies based on quantitative and qualitative indicators.