08/15/2024, 02:15 PM UTC
半导体公司谁最挣钱?Who's the Top Earner in Semiconductor Companies?
➀ 半导体行业显示出复苏迹象,2024年5月全球销售额同比增长19.3%。➁ 多数A股半导体公司在2024年上半年报告了收入和利润的增长,部分公司净利润增长超过500%。➂ 增长的关键驱动因素包括消费电子的复苏、服务器需求的强劲以及多种半导体产品价格的上涨。➀ The semiconductor industry is showing signs of recovery with global sales increasing by 19.3% in May 2024. ➁ A majority of A-share semiconductor companies reported increased revenue and profit in the first half of 2024, with some seeing over 500% growth in net profit. ➂ Key drivers of growth include the recovery in consumer electronics, strong server demand, and the rise in prices for various semiconductor products.