08/15/2024, 08:14 AM UTC
再看不懂PCB真要落伍了Understanding PCB: A Critical Component in the Electronics Industry
➀ PCB,被称为‘电子产品之母’,是电子设备中连接和支持各种组件的基石。➁ 中国已成为全球PCB生产的领导者,得益于产业转移并享有竞争优势。➂ PCB的创新通常由下游行业推动,近期AI和5G的进步显著增加了对高科技PCB的需求。➀ PCB, known as the 'mother of electronic products', serves as the backbone of electronic devices, connecting and supporting various components. ➁ China has become the global leader in PCB production, benefiting from industrial transfers and enjoying a competitive advantage. ➂ PCB innovation is often driven by downstream industries, with recent advancements in AI and 5G significantly boosting demand for high-tech PCBs.