11/26/2024, 12:22 PM UTC
特朗普表明对中国商品加征10%关税Trump Announces 10% Tariff Increase on Chinese Goods
<p>➀ 特朗普宣布将对几乎所有来自中国的进口商品加征10%的关税,作为对合成毒品“芬太尼”通过墨西哥等国流入美国的反制措施;</p><p>➁ 特朗普还表示,他将在2025年1月20日就职当天签署总统令,对加拿大和墨西哥的商品加征25%的额外关税,并表示这一措施将持续至芬太尼和非法移民问题得到解决为止;</p><p>➂ 特朗普在竞选期间将非法移民问题作为主要争论点之一,并明确表示将最大限度地利用“关税”手段来解决这一问题。</p><p>➀ Trump announced a 10% tariff increase on nearly all Chinese imports as a countermeasure against synthetic opioids 'fentanyl' flowing into the U.S. through Mexico and other countries;</p><p>➁ Trump also said he would sign a presidential order to impose a 25% additional tariff on Canadian and Mexican goods on January 20, 2025, and this measure will last until the fentanyl and illegal immigration issues are resolved;</p><p>➂ Trump has made illegal immigration a major campaign issue and has explicitly stated that he will use the 'tariff' tool to the fullest to address this issue.</p>