08/30/2024, 07:35 AM UTC
美光以81亿新台币收购友达两座工厂Micron Acquires Two Factories from AUO for NT$8.1 Billion
➀ 美光以81亿新台币从友达收购了两座工厂,包括台南和台中的不动产。➁ 该交易预计在今年年底完成,友达预计将获利47.18亿新台币。➂ 台南工厂将专注于前段晶圆测试,以支持美光在台中和桃园的DRAM生产扩张。➃ 此次收购是美光整合探针测试能力与台湾现有前段晶圆设施战略的一部分。➀ Micron has acquired two factories from AUO for NT$8.1 billion, including properties in Tainan and Taichung. ➁ The transaction is expected to be completed by the end of this year, with an estimated profit of NT$47.18 billion for AUO. ➂ The Tainan factory will focus on front-end wafer testing to support Micron's expanding DRAM production in Taichung and Taoyuan. ➃ The acquisition is part of Micron's strategy to integrate probe testing capabilities with its existing front-end wafer facilities in Taiwan.
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