10/18/2024, 07:44 PM UTC
EUV掩模技术:前景、发展与创新EUV Mask Technology: Prospects, Development, and Innovations
<p>➀ 文章讨论了吸收材料在高数值孔径EUV光刻中的作用及其对成像的影响。</p><p>➁ 多光束掩模写入器的开发推动了EUV掩模技术的发展,英特尔和英飞凌是其中的关键玩家。</p><p>➂ 2024年欧洲掩模与光刻会议强调了EUV技术的进步,包括高数值孔径EUV、电子束掩模图案化、人工智能应用和先进光刻胶。</p><p>➀ The article discusses the role of absorber materials in high-NA EUV lithography and their impact on imaging.</p><p>➁ The development of EUV mask technology is driven by multi-beam mask writers, with Intel and Infineon among the key players.</p><p>➂ The European Mask and Lithography Conference 2024 highlighted advancements in EUV technology, including high-NA EUV, e-beam mask patterning, AI applications, and advanced lithography resins.</p>