10/31/2024, 10:42 PM UTC
美国国家半导体技术中心的创新机制Innovation Mechanism of the U.S. National Semiconductor Technology Center
<p>➀ 国家半导体技术中心(NSTC)是《芯片法案》的关键组成部分,旨在支持美国在半导体研究、设计、工程和先进制造方面的领导地位。</p><p>➁ NSTC将通过建立包括政府、行业、教育、企业家和投资者在内的生态系统。</p><p>➂ NSTC的目标包括扩大美国在半导体技术领域的领导地位,减少从设计到商业化的时间和成本,以及建立和维护半导体劳动力生态系统。</p><p>➀ The National Semiconductor Technology Center (NSTC) is a key component of the CHIPS Act, aimed at supporting the leadership of the United States in semiconductor research, design, engineering, and advanced manufacturing.</p><p>➁ NSTC will create a public-private partnership to establish an ecosystem that includes government, industry, education, entrepreneurs, and investors.</p><p>➂ The goals of NSTC include expanding the U.S. leadership in semiconductor technology, reducing the time and cost from design to commercialization, and building a semiconductor workforce ecosystem.</p>