08/19/2024, 08:48 PM UTC
功率器件HTRB可靠性仿真Power Device HTRB Reliability Simulation
➀ 高温反偏测试(HTRB)评估IGBT等半导体器件在高温和反向偏置条件下的长期稳定性。➁ 该测试通过监测漏电流来识别边缘结构和钝化层的潜在弱点。➂ HTRB测试遵循IEC 60747-9标准,确保测试结果的可靠性和可比性。➃ 测试条件包括1000小时时长、95%最大额定电压和125°C至145°C的温度范围。➄ 测试期间持续监测漏电流,有助于评估器件健康状况并检测任何退化。➀ High Temperature Reverse Bias (HTRB) testing evaluates the long-term stability of semiconductor devices like IGBTs under high temperature and reverse bias conditions. ➁ The test monitors leakage current to identify potential weaknesses in edge structures and passivation layers. ➂ HTRB testing follows the IEC 60747-9 standard, ensuring reliability and comparability of test results. ➃ The test conditions include a duration of 1000 hours, voltage at 95% of the maximum rated voltage, and temperature between 125°C and 145°C. ➄ Continuous monitoring of leakage current during the test helps assess device health and detect any degradation.