11/27/2024, 05:24 PM UTC
被打压一年后,“中国英伟达”摩尔线程准备IPOMoore Threads, China's NVIDIA, Prepares for IPO After One Year of Suppression
<p>➀ 摩尔线程,被称为“中国英伟达”,已在北京证监局进行了A股上市辅导备案。</p><p>➁ 公司由张建中共同创立,张曾为英伟达的重要人物,公司已获得大量融资,估值高达255亿元。</p><p>➂ 尽管被列入美国实体清单,摩尔线程仍在准备IPO,显示其在面对美国打压时的韧性。</p><p>➀ Moore Threads, known as 'China's NVIDIA,' has filed for A-share listing guidance at the Beijing Securities Regulatory Bureau.</p><p>➁ The company, co-founded by Zhang Jianzhong, a former key figure at NVIDIA, has raised significant funding and is valued at 25.5 billion yuan.</p><p>➂ Despite being added to the U.S. entity list, Moore Threads is preparing for an IPO, indicating its resilience in the face of American suppression.</p>