11/02/2024, 10:11 AM UTC
豪赌极紫外光刻,美国投资100亿美元发展半导体研发Betting Big on EUV Lithography: US Invests $10 Billion in Semiconductor R&D
<p>➀ 美国商务部和国家半导体技术中心(NSTC)运营商Natcast公司宣布,根据美国《芯片与科学法案》,将在纽约州奥尔巴尼纳米技术综合体建设首个芯片研发旗舰设施。</p><p>➁ 该设施将专注于先进的极紫外(EUV)技术和相关研发。</p><p>➂ 项目预计将获得8.25亿美元的拟议联邦投资。</p><p>➀ The U.S. Department of Commerce and the National Semiconductor Technology Center (NSTC) announced the construction of the first chip R&D flagship facility based on the U.S. Chip and Science Act.</p><p>➁ The facility, to be located in the Albany NanoTech Complex in New York, will focus on advanced EUV technology and related R&D.</p><p>➂ The project is expected to receive $825 million in proposed federal investment.</p>