01/15/2025, 08:05 AM UTC
SK海力士计划在上半年减产NAND芯片10%SK Hynix to reduce NAND production by 10% within 1st half of year
➀ SK海力士计划在上半年将NAND芯片产量减少10%;➁ 公司每月的NAND晶圆总产能为30万片;➂ 由于供过于求,NAND价格已经连续四个月下跌。➀ SK Hynix plans to reduce its NAND production output by 10% in the first half of the year; ➁ The company has a total monthly NAND production capacity of 300,000 wafers; ➂ NAND prices have been falling for four consecutive months due to oversupply.---