11/11/2024, 07:02 PM UTC
台积电暂停为中国客户生产先进人工智能芯片TSMC Suspends Advanced Chip Production for Chinese Customers
➀ 世界领先的代工芯片制造商台积电宣布暂停为中国客户生产先进人工智能芯片;➁ 暂停生产是响应美国商务部的一项指令;➂ 该指令是在对潜在违规行为进行调查的背景下发布的。➀ TSMC, the world's leading contract chipmaker, announced a suspension of production for advanced AI chips for Chinese customers; ➁ The suspension is in response to a U.S. Department of Commerce directive; ➂ The directive is pending an investigation into potential violations.