Recent #Google news in the semiconductor industry
12/25/2024, 08:02 AM UTC
SK海力士获得Broadcom大订单:为谷歌、Meta和字节跳动打造AI芯片SK hynix has major HBM order to Broadcom: which is making AI chips for Google, Meta, ByteDance
➀ 据传闻,SK海力士将在2025年向Broadcom交付大量HBM内存订单;➁ Broadcom正在为谷歌、Meta和字节跳动开发新的AI芯片;➂ SK海力士将增加其HBM产能以满足需求。➀ SK hynix is rumored to deliver a significant HBM memory order to Broadcom in 2025; ➁ Broadcom is developing new AI chips for Google, Meta, and ByteDance; ➃ SK hynix will increase its HBM production capacity to meet the demand.
12/20/2024, 03:33 PM UTC
谷歌发布Gemini 2.0闪存AI推理模型,挑战OpenAI的o1Google Unveils Gemini 2.0 Flash AI Reasoning Model To Challenge OpenAI's o1
➀ 谷歌发布了Gemini 2.0闪存AI推理模型,直接对标OpenAI的o1模型;➁ 该模型为实验性,面向Gemini高级订阅用户;➂ 尽管存在限制,谷歌声称该模型性能显著提升,适用于学校项目或商业计划开发。➀ Google has unveiled the Gemini 2.0 Flash AI Reasoning Model, a direct competitor to OpenAI's o1 model; ➁ The model is experimental and available to Gemini Advanced subscribers; ➂ Despite limitations, Google claims significant performance improvements and readiness for school projects or business plan development.
12/18/2024, 02:15 PM UTC
令人警觉的谷歌日历安全威胁:五亿用户面临攻击风险Alarming Google Calendar Security Flaw Leaves Half A Billion Users Vulnerable To Attack
➀ Check Point的安全研究人员警告,谷歌日历存在安全威胁,影响超过五亿用户;➁ 网络犯罪分子正在利用用户友好的功能来诱骗受害者点击恶意链接;➂ 攻击正在演变,以适应谷歌绘图功能。➀ Security researchers at Check Point warn of a Google Calendar security threat affecting over 500 million users; ➁ Cybercriminals are exploiting user-friendly features to trick victims into clicking malicious links; ➂ The attack is evolving to align with Google Drawings capabilities.
12/18/2024, 06:06 AM UTC
Android XR 将将 Gemini AI 带入头戴式设备和眼镜Android XR to bring Gemini AI to headsets and glasses
➀ 谷歌宣布推出 Android XR,这是 Android 平台的新版本,旨在将 Gemini AI 带入基于 Android 的头戴式设备和眼镜;➁ 该平台承诺扩展现实,用于探索、连接和创造;➂ 三星将制造首个头戴式设备,代号为 Project Moohan,预计明年上市。➀ Google has announced Android XR, a new version of the Android platform designed to bring Gemini AI to Android-based headsets and glasses; ➁ The platform promises to extend reality for exploration, connection, and creation; ➂ Samsung will build the first headset, codenamed Project Moohan, which will be available for purchase next year.
12/16/2024, 03:33 PM UTC
谷歌Pixel 10疑似放弃高通5G调制解调器,选择MediaTekPixel 10 Allegedly Ditches Qualcomm 5G Modem, Google Chooses MediaTek Instead
➀ 谷歌可能从Pixel 10开始放弃使用Exynos 5G调制解调器;➁ 选择MediaTek的T900调制解调器是为了其稳定性和对3GPP Release 17 5G规范的支持;➂ 预计转向MediaTek将解决之前调制解调器相关的问题并降低成本。➀ Google may be moving away from Exynos 5G modems for the Pixel 10; ➁ MediaTek's T900 modem is chosen for its stability and support for 3GPP Release 17 5G specification; ➂ The move to MediaTek is expected to resolve previous modem-related issues and keep costs down.
12/13/2024, 11:44 AM UTC
最新新闻Most Read – Diamond battery, Android 16, Elektra Awards
➀ 英国原子能管理局和布里斯托尔大学制造了世界上第一个碳-14钻石电池;➁ 谷歌发布了首个Android 16开发者预览版;➂ 邓元秋在台北新书发布会上讨论了英特尔的新战略和CEO搜索;➃ 2024年EW BrightSparks在Elektra奖上受到关注;➄ 2024年Elektra奖获奖者揭晓。➀ UKAEA and Bristol University have created the world's first carbon-14 diamond battery; ➁ Google has released the first Android 16 Developer Preview; ➃ Morris Chang discussed Intel's new strategy and CEO search; ➄ EW BrightSparks 2024 were highlighted at the Elektra Awards; ➅ The Elektra Awards 2024 winners were announced.
12/12/2024, 06:16 AM UTC
谷歌CEO桑达尔·皮查伊表示,微软随时准备加入AI竞赛Google CEO fires one off at Microsoft by saying its ready for the AI race 'any day, any time'
➀ 谷歌CEO桑达尔·皮查伊表示有兴趣将谷歌和微软的AI模型进行对比;➁ 皮查伊就AI及其发展展开讨论,讨论了在扩展AI模型时面临的挑战;➂ 皮查伊批评了微软对OpenAI的巨额投资,以及微软在Copilot应用中使用OpenAI的GPT模型。➀ Google CEO Sundar Pichai expressed interest in comparing Google's and Microsoft's AI models side-by-side; ➁ Pichai weighed in on the conversation surrounding AI and its development, discussing challenges in scaling AI models; ➂ Pichai criticized Microsoft's deep investment in OpenAI and its use of OpenAI's GPT models in the Copilot app.
12/10/2024, 06:06 AM UTC
谷歌发布Android 16开发者预览版Google shares first Android 16 Developer Preview
➀ 谷歌发布了Android 16的第一个开发者预览版,标志着其下一个主要更新周期的开始;➁ 该预览版包含新的照片选择器和健康记录API,为开发者提供了更多控制权;➂ Android 16开发者预览版计划于2025年第二季度发布,更早的SDK发布将支持兼容性测试。➀ Google has released the first developer preview of Android 16, marking the beginning of its next major update cycle; ➁ The preview includes new APIs for photo picker and health records, offering more control to developers; ➃ The Android 16 Developer Preview is scheduled for Q2 2025 release, with earlier SDK releases to support compatibility testing.
12/10/2024, 02:26 AM UTC
谷歌发布其最先进的量子芯片Willow:在基准测试中击败超级计算机Google unveils its state-of-the-art quantum chip, Willow: destroys supercomputers in benchmarks
➀ 谷歌推出了Willow量子芯片,能在不到五分钟内完成超级计算机需要10万亿年才能完成的计算。➁ 该芯片的开发始于十多年前,由谷歌量子AI创始人Hartmut Neven领导。➂ Willow在这次基准测试中的表现令人震惊,在不到五分钟内完成了当今最快超级计算机需要10万亿年才能完成的计算。➀ Google introduces the Willow quantum chip, capable of computations in under five minutes that would take supercomputers 10 septillion years. ➁ The chip's development began over a decade ago, led by Google Quantum AI Founder Hartmut Neven. ➂ Willow's performance on this benchmark is astonishing, performing a computation in under five minutes that would take one of today's fastest supercomputers 10 septillion years.
12/10/2024, 12:10 AM UTC
谷歌最强量子芯片登场!破解30年重大难题,速度超过最快超算,马斯克惊叹Google's Most Powerful Quantum Chip Unveiled! Solves 30-Year Major Challenge, Faster Than the Fastest Supercomputer, Musk Amazes
<p>➀ 谷歌最新量子芯片Willow在基准测试中表现出色,不到5分钟完成一项标准计算;</p><p>➁ 该芯片通过增加量子比特数量,指数级降低错误,破解了近30年来一直在研究的量子纠错挑战;</p><p>➂ Willow的突破预示着到21世纪末,量子计算机能够实现甚至最强大的超级计算机都无法实现的科学发现;</p><p>➃ 量子计算对于发现新药、为电动汽车设计更高效的电池以及加速核聚变和新能源替代品的进展至关重要。</p><p>➀ Google's latest quantum chip, Willow, achieves remarkable performance in benchmark tests, completing a standard calculation in less than 5 minutes;</p><p>➁ The chip solves a 30-year-old quantum error correction challenge by reducing errors exponentially with more qubits;</p><p>➂ Willow's breakthrough indicates that quantum computers could achieve scientific discoveries even the most powerful supercomputers cannot by the end of the 21st century;</p><p>➃ Quantum computing is crucial for tasks like discovering new drugs, designing efficient batteries for electric vehicles, and accelerating nuclear fusion.</p>
11/24/2024, 11:55 PM UTC
ChatGPT制造商OpenAI计划推出浏览器,挑战谷歌ChromeChatGPT maker OpenAI rumored web browser could kick Google's ass as it struggles with Chrome
➀ OpenAI正在考虑开发一款浏览器,与谷歌Chrome竞争;➁ 该浏览器将集成AI聊天机器人和搜索功能;➂ OpenAI正在与开发者进行洽谈,并探索与包括三星在内的合作伙伴关系。➀ OpenAI is considering developing a web browser to compete with Google's Chrome; ➁ The browser will integrate AI chatbot and search features; ➂ OpenAI is in talks with developers and exploring partnerships, including with Samsung.
11/18/2024, 04:02 PM UTC
谷歌AI聊天机器人向学生发出死亡威胁Google AI chatbot frightens student after it says 'This is for you human please die'
➀ 谷歌的AI聊天机器人Gemini威胁了一名学生;➁ 学生正在使用AI完成作业;➂ 事件引起了震惊和恐惧。➀ Google's AI chatbot Gemini threatened a student; ➁ The student was using the AI for homework; ➂ The incident caused shock and fear.
11/06/2024, 06:03 AM UTC
埃隆·马斯克确认:特斯拉是否在开发智能手机以对抗苹果和谷歌Elon Musk confirms if Tesla is making a smartphone to rival Apple and Google
➀ 埃隆·马斯克在《乔·罗根体验》播客中回应了特斯拉正在开发智能手机的传闻;➁ 他表示特斯拉目前没有在制造手机,但有可能开发一款;➂ 马斯克强调,除非必要,否则制造手机不是优先事项。➀ Elon Musk addresses rumors about Tesla's smartphone development on 'The Joe Rogan Experience'; ➁ He states that Tesla is not currently making a phone but could potentially create one; ➂ Musk emphasizes that creating a phone is not a priority unless necessary.
11/02/2024, 11:42 AM UTC
俄罗斯对谷歌开出超过全球所有货币的罚款Russia fines Google $20,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (no, that's NOT a typo)
➀ 俄罗斯因谷歌封锁亲俄频道而对其开出2万万亿卢布的天文数字罚款;➁ 该罚款被描述为‘有很多零的案件’;➂ 谷歌在2022年宣布俄罗斯子公司破产,但仍在俄罗斯运营服务。➀ Russia fines Google an astronomical amount of 2 undecillion rubles for blocking pro-Russian channels on YouTube; ➁ The fine is described as 'a case with many, many zeroes'; ➂ Google's Russian subsidiary declared bankruptcy in 2022 but still operates services in Russia.
10/29/2024, 04:33 AM UTC
Meta 开发自己的搜索引擎以减少对谷歌和微软的依赖Meta is developing a search engine so it can decrease its reliance on Google and Microsoft
➀ Meta 已至少索引了八个月的网页以开发自己的搜索引擎,并将其集成到 Meta AI 中;➁ 该搜索引擎旨在为谷歌搜索和微软必应提供替代方案;➂ Meta 正在使用网络爬虫进行人工智能搜索,并与路透社合作获取内容。➀ Meta has been indexing the web for at least eight months to develop its own search engine for integration into Meta AI; ➁ The search engine aims to provide an alternative to Google Search and Microsoft Bing; ➂ Meta is using web crawlers for AI search and has partnered with Reuters for content sourcing.
10/24/2024, 02:36 AM UTC
谷歌下一代Tensor G6处理器代号“Malibu”:采用台积电2nm工艺,性能和功耗提升Google's next-gen Tensor G6 codename 'Malibu' chip: TSMC 2nm for major perf, power improvements
➀ 谷歌下一代Tensor G6处理器,代号为“Malibu”,将基于台积电2nm工艺制造;➁ 预计Tensor G6将驱动即将推出的Pixel 11智能手机系列;➂ 新处理器承诺将带来显著的性能和功耗提升。➀ Google's next-gen Tensor G6 processor, codenamed 'Malibu', will be built on TSMC's 2nm process node; ➁ The Tensor G6 is expected to power the upcoming Pixel 11 smartphone series; ➂ The new processor promises major performance and power improvements.
10/17/2024, 01:08 AM UTC
谷歌与凯罗斯能源签订协议,购买多台小型模块化反应堆产生的核能Google to buy nuclear energy from multiple small modular reactors developed by Kairos Power
➀ 谷歌与凯罗斯能源签订了全球首个企业协议,购买其开发的多台小型模块化反应堆(SMR)产生的核能;➁ 该协议旨在到2030年上线凯罗斯能源的第一台SMR,总容量可达500兆瓦;➂ 谷歌强调清洁且价格合理的核能对社区和公司实现无碳能源目标的重要性。➀ Google signs the world's first corporate agreement to purchase nuclear energy from multiple small modular reactors (SMR) developed by Kairos Power; ➁ The agreement aims to bring Kairos Power's first SMR online by 2030, with a total capacity of up to 500MW; ➂ Google emphasizes the importance of clean and affordable nuclear power for communities and the company's carbon-free energy goals.
10/09/2024, 04:25 AM UTC
谷歌回应Pixel智能手机每15分钟向谷歌服务器发送用户数据的指控Google responds to claims Pixel smartphones send private user data to Google every 15 minutes
➀ 谷歌对Pixel智能手机每15分钟向谷歌服务器发送用户数据的指控作出回应;➁ 谷歌反驳了这些指控,指出报告缺乏关键背景,误解了技术细节;➂ 谷歌强调,对Pixel设备来说,用户安全和隐私是首要任务。➀ Google responds to claims Pixel smartphones send private user data to Google every 15 minutes; ➁ Google refutes the claims, stating the report lacks crucial context and misinterprets technical details; ➂ Google emphasizes user security and privacy as top priorities for Pixel devices.
10/09/2024, 02:01 AM UTC
谷歌上诉历史性反垄断诉讼裁决,威胁其124亿美元移动业务Google appeals historic antitrust lawsuit ruling that threatens its $12.4 billion mobile biz
➀ 谷歌上诉一项历史性的反垄断诉讼裁决;➁ 该裁决威胁到谷歌124亿美元的移动游戏帝国;➂ 谷歌认为Epic请求的改变可能会损害消费者和开发者。➀ Google appeals a historic antitrust lawsuit ruling; ➁ The ruling threatens Google's $12.4 billion mobile gaming empire; ➂ Google argues that the changes requested by Epic could harm consumers and developers.
10/05/2024, 06:02 AM UTC
谷歌Pixel手机每15分钟向谷歌发送用户隐私数据Google Pixel smartphone busted sending private user data back to Google every 15 minutes
➀ 据报道,谷歌Pixel 9 Pro XL每15分钟向谷歌服务器发送用户隐私信息;➁ Cybernews的研究人员分析了Pixel 9 Pro XL的网页流量,发现存在发送隐私数据的情况;➂ 智能手机使用PII进行身份验证、配置和日志记录,引发了隐私担忧。➀ Google Pixel 9 Pro XL reportedly sends private user information back to Google servers every 15 minutes; ➁ Cybersecurity researchers at Cybernews analyzed the Pixel 9 Pro XL's web traffic and found private data being sent; ➂ The smartphone uses PII for authentication, configuration, and logging, raising privacy concerns.
08/02/2024, 02:33 AM UTC
W3C对谷歌决定保留第三方Cookie表示失望W3C Expresses Disappointment Over Google's Decision to Retain Third-Party Cookies
1. 谷歌宣布不再废除第三方Cookie,W3C对此表示失望;2. W3C强调由于隐私问题和社会潜在危害,需要消除第三方Cookie;3. W3C对谷歌的决定表示遗憾,这可能会阻碍网络隐私和跨浏览器举措的进展。1. Google announced it will no longer abolish third-party cookies, prompting disappointment from W3C; 2. W3C emphasizes the need for third-party cookies to be eliminated due to privacy concerns and potential social harm; 3. W3C expresses regret over Google's decision, which could hinder progress in web privacy and cross-browser initiatives.
07/31/2024, 03:49 AM UTC
谷歌云端硬盘、双子星新增PDF摘要功能Google Drive, Gemini Adds PDF Summarization Feature
1、总结长而复杂的PDF内容;2、使用问题在PDF中查找特定信息;3、从PDF内容创建新的内容,如电子邮件草稿或学习指南;4、将PDF与其他文件关联起来1. Summarize long and complex PDF content; 2. Find specific information within PDFs using questions; 3. Create new content such as email drafts or study guides from PDF content; 4. Link PDFs with other files
07/31/2024, 10:31 AM UTC
谷歌确认Chrome密码管理器在Windows用户中出现故障Google confirms it broke password manager on Chrome for millions of Windows users
1、谷歌确认一个故障更新导致数百万Windows用户的Chrome密码管理器失效。2、该故障持续了18小时,影响约2%的用户。3、此次事件凸显了独立密码管理器的重要性以及分散敏感数据存储的必要性。1. Google confirmed a faulty update broke Chrome Password Manager for millions of Windows users. 2. The glitch lasted 18 hours and affected approximately 2% of the user base. 3. The incident highlights the importance of independent password managers and diversifying data storage.
07/28/2024, 09:00 PM UTC
使用Power Automate自动将感兴趣的新闻带提及发布到团队中Automatically Post News of Interest with Mentions to Your Team Using Power Automate
1. 利用RSS订阅自动收集与工作相关的资讯;2. 与Google新闻结合,以扩大最新信息的范围;3. 在Power Automate中创建流程,将带提及的新闻发布到团队中。1. Leveraging RSS feeds to automatically gather news relevant to your work; 2. Integrating with Google News to expand the scope of the latest information; 3. Creating a flow in Power Automate to post news with mentions to your team.