07/24/2024, 03:39 PM UTC
新型氮化铝半导体材料功率电子元件生产链——德国制造Production Chain for Power Electronic Components on Novel Aluminum Nitride Semiconductor Material - Made in Germany
1、德国研究合作伙伴首次展示了基于氮化铝的功率半导体价值链的实际应用。2、新型氮化铝半导体技术有望显著减少电能转换和高频传输中的损耗。3、该联盟成功地在德国和欧洲首次展示了氮化铝元件价值链的实际应用。1. German research partners have demonstrated the practical implementation of an aluminum nitride-based value chain for power semiconductors. 2. The new aluminum nitride semiconductor technology has the potential to significantly reduce losses in electrical energy conversion and high-frequency transmission. 3. The consortium has successfully demonstrated the practical implementation of the value chain for aluminum nitride components in Germany and Europe.
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