12/17/2024, 05:09 AM UTC
猴戏中的猴子:首次买入谷歌A Monkey In Every Circus: Initiating Google With A Buy
1. 谷歌在搜索引擎市场的份额正在减少,但作者因公司多元化战略而保持冷静;2. 文章强调了谷歌云的显著增长,其在亚马逊AWS和微软Azure的市场份额正在增加;3. 阿尔法贝特的估值指标很有前景,其市盈率低于亚马逊和微软,且市场情绪支持该股票。1. Google is losing its share in the search engine market, but the author remains unfazed due to the company's diversification strategy; 2. The article highlights the significant growth in Google Cloud, which is gaining market share against Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure; 3. Alphabet's valuation metrics are promising with a lower PE ratio compared to Amazon and Microsoft, and strong market sentiment supporting the stock.---
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