10/17/2024, 06:01 PM UTC
罗德与施瓦茨全面覆盖Skylo的NB-NTN设备测试计划,开启短信服务Rohde & Schwarz Achieves Full Coverage Of Skylo’s Test Plan For NB-NTN Devices, Enabling SMSServices
➀ 罗德与施瓦茨全面覆盖Skylo的NB-NTN设备综合测试计划,实现了短信服务;➁ 该里程碑为智能手机、可穿戴设备和物联网设备上的无限连接铺平了道路;➂ NB-NTN上短信验证的成功标志着将卫星连接带给消费设备的重大一步。➀ Rohde & Schwarz has fully covered Skylo’s comprehensive test plan for NB-NTN devices, enabling SMS services; ➁ The milestone paves the way for unlimited connectivity on smartphones, wearables, and IoT devices; ➂ The successful validation of SMS over NB-NTN marks a significant step in bringing satellite connectivity to consumer devices.