10/08/2024, 01:05 PM UTC
可穿戴设备市场预计增长6.1%,但耳机平均ASP面临压力Wearables to grow 6.1% but Hearables’ ASPs under pressure
➀ 2024年可穿戴设备出货量预计增长6.1%;➁ 由于竞争加剧,耳机平均ASP面临下行压力;➂ 智能手表预计在2024年将出现下滑,但2025年将反弹。➀ Wearables device shipments are forecast to grow 6.1% in 2024; ➁ Hearables ASPs face downward pressure due to increased competition; ➂ Smartwatches are expected to see a decline in 2024 followed by a rebound in 2025.