09/25/2024, 05:00 PM UTC
《孤岛惊魂3》销量突破1300万份Ghost of Tsushima has sold over 13 million copies
➀ 自2020年发布以来,《孤岛惊魂3》已售出超过1300万份;➁ 与2022年游戏两周年时的9.73百万份销量相比,销量显著增加;➂ 尽管游戏设计原则相对普通,但《孤岛惊魂3》因其对风格和沉浸感的承诺而受到赞誉。➀ Ghost of Tsushima has sold over 13 million copies since its release in 2020; ➁ The game has seen a significant increase in sales compared to the previous figure of 9.73 million copies in 2022; ➂ The game is praised for its commitment to style and immersion despite its generic game design principles.