10/17/2024, 05:13 PM UTC
可穿戴心率监测器参考设计Wearable Heart Rate Monitor Reference Design
➀ 本文介绍了一种使用单个8位微控制器和相位分割复用技术来实现可穿戴心率监测器的参考设计,以降低噪音和成本;➁ 该设计利用了Microchip的极低功耗8位微控制器,并集成了多种功能;➂ 微控制器包括数字模拟转换器、运算放大器和可配置逻辑单元,以提高性能并降低成本。➀ The article introduces a reference design for a wearable heart rate monitor using a single 8-bit microcontroller and Phase Division Multiplexing technology to reduce noise and costs; ➁ The design utilizes Microchip's eXtreme Low Power 8-bit microcontroller with integrated features; ➂ The MCU includes digital-to-analog converters, operational amplifiers, and configurable logic cells to enhance performance and keep costs low.