12/31/2024, 06:29 AM UTC
乌克兰将获得卫星至手机服务Ukraine to get satellite-to-handset phone service
➀ 乌克兰与Elon Musk和乌克兰移动运营商Kyivstar达成协议,将成为世界上最早获得卫星至智能手机服务之一的国家。➁ 该服务将利用Starlink卫星上的调制解调器将信号传输到手机,预计在2025年第四季度开始提供消息服务。➂ 自2022年以来,Starlink已经为乌克兰提供军事通信服务,新的服务被视为美国政府对乌克兰持续支持的迹象。➀ Ukraine is set to become one of the first countries in the world to receive satellite-to-smartphone service following an agreement with Elon Musk and Kyivstar, a Ukrainian mobile operator. ➁ The service will utilize modems on Starlink satellites to beam signals to handsets, with a messaging service expected to begin in Q4 2025. ➂ Starlink has already provided military communication services to Ukraine since 2022, and the new service is seen as a sign of continued U.S. government support for Ukraine.---
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