12/10/2024, 06:53 AM UTC
全球最小的蓝牙低功耗模块World’s Smallest Bluetooth Low Energy Module
➀ 慧荣科技宣布推出ES4L15BA1蓝牙低功耗模块,专为紧凑型物联网和可穿戴设备设计;➁ 该模块支持蓝牙6.0和精确距离测量;➂ 适用于智能手表、健身追踪器和医疗产品。➀ KAGA FEI Co., Ltd. announced the ES4L15BA1 Bluetooth Low Energy module, designed for compact IoT and wearable devices; ➁ The module supports Bluetooth 6.0 and precise distance measurements; ➂ It's suitable for smartwatches, fitness trackers, and healthcare products.---