08/24/2024, 11:22 PM UTC
如何在谷歌地图上模糊您的家以保护隐私Here’s How To Blur Your Home On Google Maps To Maintain Your Privacy
1、房主在谷歌地图上模糊他们的家以保护隐私并防止入室盗窃。2、加利福尼亚州的一名警官支持这种策略,作为对抗犯罪策略的一种方式。3、谷歌地图允许用户通过“报告问题”功能模糊他们的家。1. Homeowners are blurring their homes on Google Maps to protect privacy and deter burglaries. 2. A police officer in California supports this tactic as a way to counter criminal tactics. 3. Google Maps allows users to blur their homes through the 'Report a Problem' feature.