07/03/2024, 09:36 PM UTC
NASA的韦伯太空望远镜捕捉到绚丽的宇宙烟花表演NASA’s Webb Space Telescope Captures Dazzling Cosmic Fireworks Display
1、NASA的韦伯太空望远镜捕捉到了以名为L1527的原恒星为中心的宇宙烟花表演图像。2、该图像由中红外相机(MIRI)拍摄,展示了围绕原恒星的有机化合物和受激气体。3、约10万年历史的原恒星正在从其母分子云中消耗气体和尘埃,形成了明亮的沙漏结构。1. NASA's Webb Space Telescope captured an image of a cosmic firework display centered around a protostar named L1527. 2. The image, taken with the Mid-Infrared Camera (MIRI), shows organic compounds and energized gases surrounding the protostar. 3. The protostar, about 100,000 years old, is consuming gas and dust from its parent molecular cloud, creating a bright hourglass structure.