11/13/2024, 02:23 PM UTC
CHERI联盟成立CHERI Alliance launched
➀ CHERI联盟由Chevin Technology、谷歌等创始成员成立,旨在将CHERI作为内存安全和软件隔离的新标准。 ➁ 该联盟致力于应对内存相关漏洞,这些漏洞占网络攻击漏洞的约70%。 ➂ 自2010年起开发的CHERI技术可保护内存安全问题,如缓冲区溢出和堆使用后释放漏洞。➀ The CHERI Alliance has been launched by a group of founding members including Chevin Technology, Google, and others to establish CHERI as a new standard for memory safety and software compartmentalization. ➁ The alliance aims to protect against memory-related vulnerabilities, which account for about 70% of cyberattack vulnerabilities. ➂ CHERI technology, developed since 2010, offers protection against memory safety issues like buffer overflows and heap use-after-free vulnerabilities.