11/15/2024, 06:09 PM UTC
最新新闻:Arduino发布单对以太网适配器,英飞凌准备2025年平淡开局Most Read – Arduino adapter, Infineon results, Intel funding
➀ Arduino为其Uno R4微控制器发布单对以太网适配器,Microchip参与开发;➁ 在Electronica论坛上,首席执行官们警告供应链碎片化的成本;➃ 英飞凌报告第三季度收入391.9亿欧元,利润8.32亿欧元,预计2025年将平淡开局;➄ 在美国新政府下,英特尔《芯片法案》的资金似乎安全无虞。➀ Arduino announces a single-pair Ethernet adapter for its Uno R4 microcontroller, with Microchip's participation; ➁ CEOs warn of the cost of fragmented supply chains at the Electronica Forum; ➃ Infineon reports a €3.919 billion quarterly revenue with a €832 million profit, preparing for a muted 2025; ➄ Intel's Chips Act funding appears to be safe under the new US administration.