03/12/2025, 06:12 AM UTC
嵌入式世界:Crypto Quantique展示QuarkLink混合PQC安全平台Embedded World: Crypto Quantique demo-es software PQC system
➀ Crypto Quantique 在嵌入式世界 2025 展会上展示了 QuarkLink 混合 PQC 安全平台。
➁ QuarkLink 是一个可扩展的、基于云的软件平台,旨在减少在嵌入式设备物联网网络中实施安全功能的时间和成本。
➂ 该平台管理设备身份,支持安全启动和固件更新,并处理安全密钥和数字证书。
➀ Crypto Quantique is demonstrating the QuarkLink Hybrid PQC security platform at Embedded World 2025.
➁ QuarkLink is a scalable, cloud-based software platform designed to reduce the time and cost of implementing security functions in embedded device IoT networks.
➂ The platform manages device identities, supports secure boot and firmware updates, and handles security keys and digital certificates.