11/28/2024, 10:06 PM UTC
寓言:增益先生Fable: The Gain Guy
➀ 贝尔实验室的肖克利、巴丁和布拉顿发明晶体管时,他们的同事对这项发明产生了浓厚的兴趣,周末带回家进行实验。他以为将两个低增益晶体管配对会产生更高电流增益的设备,预期增益会从5倍增加到10倍。然而,他惊讶地发现增益达到了25。这个发现以他的名字命名。 ➁ 这个故事展示了在科学研究中尝试和意外结果的价值。 ➂ 它是一个道德教训,说明实验可以导致重大的发现。➀ A contemporary of Shockley, Bardeen, and Brattain at Bell Labs was intrigued by the transistor invention and took some home to experiment with. He believed that pairing two low-gain transistors would create a device with higher current gain, expecting the gain to double from five to ten. However, he discovered an unexpected gain of 25. The discovery is named after him. ➁ The story illustrates the value of tinkering and unexpected results in scientific research. ➂ It serves as a moral lesson that experimentation can lead to significant discoveries.