02/12/2025, 02:30 PM UTC
世界杯观众数量远超超级碗World Cup beats Super Bowl for eyeballs
➀ 世界杯决赛是全球最大的比赛,通常能吸引超过十亿观众。
➁ 2022年阿根廷与法国的世界杯决赛全球平均实时观众达到5.71亿,超过14亿人至少观看了一分钟的比赛。
➂ 相比之下,超级碗LVIII在美国的平均观众为1237万,全球总观众为6250万。
➀ The FIFA World Cup Final is the biggest game in the world, regularly reaching more than a billion people globally.
➁ The 2022 World Cup Final between Argentina and France drew an average live audience of 571 million viewers globally, with over 1.4 billion people watching at least one minute of the match live.
➂ In contrast, Super Bowl LVIII had an average audience of 123.7 million viewers in the U.S. and a total international audience of 62.5 million.