08/09/2024, 05:10 PM UTC
弗劳恩霍夫IPMS继续作为GlobalFoundries德累斯顿的重要研究合作伙伴Fraunhofer IPMS Continues as Key Research Partner for GlobalFoundries Dresden
➀ 弗劳恩霍夫光子微系统研究所(IPMS)正在扩大与GlobalFoundries的合作,专注于创新集成存储器概念。➁ 研究项目旨在优化磁性、铁电和电阻式嵌入式数据存储,目标是针对物联网和汽车行业提供可扩展和节能的解决方案。➂ 这些项目是作为'欧洲共同利益重要项目'(IPCEI)的一部分,由萨克森州和联邦政府资助的。➀ Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems (IPMS) is expanding its collaboration with GlobalFoundries, focusing on innovative integrated memory concepts. ➁ The research projects aim to optimize magnetic, ferroelectric, and resistive embedded data storage, targeting scalable and energy-efficient solutions for IoT and automotive sectors. ➂ The projects are part of the 'Important Project of Common European Interest' (IPCEI) funded by Saxony and the federal government.