01/20/2025, 06:06 AM UTC
火箭工厂奥格斯堡获准在英国首次垂直发射Rocket Factory Augsburg licensed to launch from Shetlands in UK first
➀ 火箭工厂奥格斯堡已从英国航空管理局(CAA)获得空间飞行运营商许可证,允许其在苏格兰萨克萨沃德航天港进行发射。
➁ 这是欧洲私人轨道火箭发射的第一个此类许可证,并为苏格兰首次垂直发射铺平了道路。
➂ 该公司正准备进行首次测试飞行,使用名为RFA One的三级轨道运载火箭,该火箭已完成包括第二级飞行资格和有效载荷整流罩系统在内的多个里程碑。
➀ Rocket Factory Augsburg has received a spaceflight operator license from the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), allowing it to launch from SaxaVord Spaceport in Scotland.
➁ This is the first such license for a European private orbital rocket launch and paves the way for Scotland's first vertical launch.
➂ The company is preparing for its first test flight with a three-stage orbital launch vehicle called RFA One, which has completed several milestones including flight qualification of its second stage and payload fairing system.