09/18/2024, 07:36 PM UTC
萨克森-安哈尔特州移动量子技术取得突破性进展Quantum Leap for Mobile Quantum Technology in Saxony-Anhalt
➀ 柏林网络安全创新局(Cyberagentur)与三家国际科技公司签署了开发移动量子计算机的合同。该项目标志着量子研究的一个里程碑,并为量子计算机的新应用铺平了道路。目标是使移动设备在安全和防御场景以及民用应用中得以使用。➁ 研究项目旨在推进量子计算机的微型化,同时保持高性能和必要的外围设备。项目结果记录了可重复和可编程的移动量子计算机的建设和功能演示。➂ 该项目预计将使德国在移动量子计算技术领域处于领先地位,巩固其在量子技术研究中的领先地位,并加强该国的数字主权。➀ The Cyberagentur has signed contracts with three international technology companies for the development of mobile quantum computers. The project marks a milestone in quantum research and paves the way for new applications of quantum computers. The goal is to enable mobile use in security and defense scenarios as well as in civil applications. ➁ The research project aims to advance the miniaturization of quantum computers while maintaining high performance and necessary peripherals. The construction and functional demonstration of a reproducible and programmable mobile quantum computer are recorded as project results. ➂ The project is expected to bring Germany to the forefront of mobile quantum computing technology, securing its leading position in quantum technology research and strengthening the country's digital sovereignty.