01/14/2025, 12:45 PM UTC
苹果Arcade将新增10款游戏Apple Arcade to add 10 new games to its service
➀ 苹果Arcade将新增10款游戏;➁ 新增游戏包括《滑板城市:纽约》、《齿轮与胶水[Vision Pro]》和《三国英雄》等;➂ 该服务旨在提供一系列有趣且独特的游戏,且无内购项目。➀ Apple Arcade is set to add 10 new games to its service; ➁ The new games include titles like Skate City: New York, Gears & Goo [Vision Pro], and Three Kingdoms HEROES; ➂ The service aims to provide a wide range of interesting and unique games without microtransactions.---