10/09/2024, 05:00 PM UTC
托马斯·弗利森被任命为科特布斯-申博恩科技大学理论电气工程教授Thomas Flisgen Appointed Professor of Theoretical Electrical Engineering at BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
➀ 托马斯·弗利森博士自2024/25冬季学期起被任命为科特布斯-申博恩科技大学理论电气工程教授。他的研究将专注于电磁场计算,并将加强与柏林费迪南德-布劳恩研究所(FBH)之间的战略伙伴关系。➁ 此任命标志着弗利森回到了学术生涯的起点,他之前是FBH的团队负责人。➂ BTU与FBH之间的合作为学生提供了先进的研究和开发机会,并加强了BTU与阿德尔肖夫科技园区之间的联系。➀ Dr. Thomas Flisgen has been appointed as a Professor of Theoretical Electrical Engineering at the Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg (BTU) from the winter semester 2024/25. His research will focus on electromagnetic field calculation and he will strengthen the strategic partnership between BTU and the Ferdinand-Braun-Institut (FBH). ➁ The appointment marks a return to academic roots for Flisgen, who was previously a group leader at the FBH. ➂ The collaboration between BTU and FBH provides students with access to advanced research and development opportunities, and strengthens the connection between BTU and the technology site Adlershof.