02/18/2025, 08:40 AM UTC
可持续钠离子电池研究项目获得支持Promotion for Research Project on Sustainable Sodium-Ion Batteries
拜罗伊特大学参与了“钠离子电池:德国研究—SIB:DE 研究项目”,旨在快速实现钠离子电池的工业化应用。来自科学和工业界的21个国家机构正在汇聚他们的专业知识,以快速将研究成果转化为实际应用。该项目由联邦教育和研究部(BMBF)资助,总额约为1400万欧元。
SIB:DE 研究项目涉及21家德国机构,这些机构正在检验SIB在能源和交通转型中的适用性,并希望快速实现其工业化。项目重点关注识别可按可扩展规模生产的SIB活性材料,并提供具有竞争力的电池性能。拜罗伊特 大学的无机电化学储能活性材料教授Matteo Bianchini正在开发用于阴极和阳极的新活性材料,这对于SIB的性能至关重要。
The University of Bayreuth is involved in the project 'Sodium-Ion Battery: Germany Research – SIB:DE RESEARCH' aimed at the rapid industrial implementation of sodium-ion batteries. Twenty-one national institutions from science and industry are pooling their expertise to quickly transfer research results into practical application. The research project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) with approximately 14 million euros.
Lithium-ion batteries are the most commonly used energy storage devices currently. However, resource dependence and scarcity are significant challenges for this technology. Therefore, alternatives for mobile and stationary energy storage are urgently needed. Sodium-ion batteries (NIB, SIB) are considered a promising approach due to their abundance, affordability, and safety. Thus, sodium-ion batteries could play a key role in a stable and sustainable European energy supply.
The SIB:DE RESEARCH project involves 21 German institutions that are examining the suitability of SIB for the energy and mobility transition and aim to quickly industrialize its use. The project focuses on identifying SIB active materials that can be produced on a scalable basis and offer competitive cell performance. Prof. Dr. Matteo Bianchini from the University of Bayreuth's Chair of Inorganic Active Materials for Electrochemical Energy Storage is working on developing new active materials for cathodes and anodes, which are crucial for the performance of SIB.