11/05/2024, 07:30 PM UTC
《刺客信条:阴影》因玩家“合理要求卓越”而推迟发布Assassin’s Creed Shadows was delayed because players “rightfully demand excellence”
➀ 育碧因玩家对卓越品质的要求而推迟了即将发布的《刺客信条:阴影》;➁ 这一决定由系列负责人做出,他承认需要更多时间来满足玩家的期望;➂ 一些人对这一推迟表示欢迎,希望它能提高育碧大型预算游戏的品质。➀ Ubisoft delayed the upcoming Assassin's Creed Shadows due to players' demand for excellence; ➁ The decision was made by the franchise head, who acknowledged the need for more time to meet player expectations; ➂ The delay is seen as a positive move by some, hoping it will improve the quality of Ubisoft's big-budget releases.