01/02/2025, 06:22 AM UTC
三星成立未来机器人部门并增持韩国彩虹机器人股份Samsung sets up robotics unit
➀ 三星成立了未来机器人部门,并增持韩国彩虹机器人股份至35%;➁ 彩虹机器人创始人Jun-Ho Oh将担任新部门的CEO;➂ 该合作旨在通过结合三星在AI和软件方面的专长与彩虹机器人的机器人技术,加速智能机器人的开发。➀ Samsung has established a Future Robotics Office and increased its stake in Rainbow Robotics to 35%; ➁ Jun-Ho Oh, the founder of Rainbow, will become the CEO of the new office; ➂ The collaboration aims to accelerate the development of intelligent humanoids by combining Samsung's AI and software expertise with Rainbow's robotic technology.---