09/24/2024, 01:06 PM UTC
南安普顿、朴茨茅斯和萨里大学学生卫星任务启动Space South Central universities launch student satellite mission
➀ 来自萨里、朴茨茅斯和南安普顿大学的学生将通过JUPITER项目设计并发射卫星任务,该项目由英国航天局支持。 ➁ 朱庇特-1卫星将拍摄地球图像和视频,并寻找太空碎片。 ➂ 任务将包括如暗物质研究、太空天气监测和基于人工智能的数据分析等实验。➀ Students from Surrey, Portsmouth, and Southampton universities will design and launch a satellite mission through the JUPITER program, supported by the UK Space Agency. ➁ The Jovian-1 satellite will take images and videos of Earth and look for space debris. ➂ The mission will include experiments such as dark matter research, space weather monitoring, and AI-based data analysis.