06/13/2024, 09:23 PM UTC
微型机器人逃避免疫系统以递送抗癌药物Microrobots Evade Immune System to Deliver Cancer Drugs
1、加州大学圣地亚哥分校的研究人员开发了一种能够在肺组织中导航并递送靶向抗癌药物的微型机器人。2、这些微型机器人通过将装有药物的纳米粒子与藻类细胞结合而构建,已在小鼠中显示出减缓肿瘤生长和提高存活率的有效性。3、纳米粒子上的红细胞膜涂层帮助这些微型机器人逃避免疫系统,从而对肿瘤进行持久作用。1. Researchers from the University of California San Diego have developed microrobots capable of navigating through lung tissue to deliver targeted cancer drugs. 2. These microrobots, constructed by bonding drug-filled nanoparticles to algae cells, have shown effectiveness in mice by slowing tumor growth and increasing survival rates. 3. The use of red blood cell membrane coatings on nanoparticles helps these microrobots evade the immune system, allowing for prolonged activity against tumors.