03/20/2025, 03:34 AM UTC
软银以65亿美元现金收购AmpereSoftbank to Acquire Ampere for $6.5 Billion in Cash
➀ 软银宣布计划以65亿美元现金收购Ampere Computing;
➁ Ampere Computing将保留其名称和产品线,如AmpereOne和Ampere Altra;
➂ 预计交易将在2025年下半年完成,主要投资者将出售其股份。
➀ Softbank has announced the planned acquisition of Ampere Computing for $6.5 billion in cash;
➁ Ampere Computing will retain its name and product lines such as AmpereOne and Ampere Altra;
➂ The acquisition is expected to close in the second half of 2025, with major investors selling their stakes.