11/14/2024, 10:26 PM UTC
火星上的城市:探索太空定居的可能性Gadget Book: A City on Mars
➀ 本文讨论了获得皇家学会Trivedi科学图书奖的《火星上的城市》一书。➁ 书中探讨了是否能在太空中定居,是否应该定居,以及我们是否真正考虑过这些可能性。➂ 文章鼓励读者注册或登录以阅读完整的特色文章。➀ The article discusses the book 'A City on Mars', which has won the Royal Society Trivedi Science Book Prize. ➁ The book explores the themes of whether we can settle in space, whether we should, and whether we have genuinely considered these possibilities. ➂ The article encourages readers to register or login to read the feature article in full.