08/23/2024, 05:09 PM UTC
科布伦茨大学技术营吸引大量参与者:“一个充满活力的教学-学习实验室”University of Koblenz's Technikcamps Attract Large Numbers: 'A Living Teaching-Learning Laboratory'
➀ 科布伦茨大学的科技营结束了27个周课程,暑假期间吸引了371名6至16岁的参与者。➁ 新课程如“建造者营”让年轻的发明家们用家用物品和自然材料制作乐器。➂ 这些营地,除了少数例外,全部预订一空,表明女孩和男孩对课外技术教育的需求很高。➀ The University of Koblenz's Technikcamps, which concluded 27 weekly courses, attracted 371 participants aged 6 to 16 during the summer holidays. ➁ New courses like 'Builder Camp' allowed young tinkerers to create musical instruments from household items and natural materials. ➂ The camps, fully booked except for a few exceptions, indicate a high demand for extracurricular technical education among girls and boys.
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